19 Laws of Game Development that No One Follows

19 Laws of Game Development that No One Follows

Game development is a wild and unpredictable But within the chaos, there are key lessons, patterns, and facts. Understanding these as 19 laws of Game Development that no one follows, can make your journey lot smoother and more manageable.

The Most Important Principles/Laws of Game development

We’ve gathered a lot of knowledge about game development and boiled it down to 19 most important laws. These principles will guide you through the challenges of this rewarding field, whether you’re a new indie developer or a seasoned pro. Give these a Read – it might change how you approach game creation.


Finish Projects at All Costs

New ideas can be exciting, but chasing them without finishing what you’ve started will leave you with a pile of unfinished work. This is the most common hurdle in game development. You will spend years jumping from one project to the next, abandoning them along the way. But your growth as a developer will skyrocket only when you start to finish your projects, even when they became difficult. Finishing is most crucial for progress, so resist the temptation to chase every shiny new idea and commit to seeing your projects through.


Never Make Your Dream Game First

Everyone has a dream game they want to create, but for beginners, these games are often too ambitious. Think of your dream game like a final boss fight – you don’t take on a level 100 Dragon when you’re only a level 5 Archer. Instead, start with smaller, manageable projects that build up your skills and confidence. By working on these smaller games, you’ll develop the abilities you need and get closer to your ultimate project. Dream games are massive undertakings, and jumping into them too early can lead to frustration and burnout.


Look Back on your Mistakes and Grow

Game development is full of mistakes, but if you don’t reflect on them, you won’t learn. After every project, take the time to conduct a case study – reflect on what went well and what didn’t. Skipping this step might make you repeat the same mistakes across the projects. You will be able to apply the lessons learned and it will lead to significant improvement in your next project. Post-Mortem Case Studies are essential for growth, allowing you to evolve and avoid repeating past errors.


Serve the Player, Not Yourself

As a game developer, it’s easy to fall in love with features that you personally enjoy, but the player’s needs should always come first. Just because you like something doesn’t mean it’s right for the player. Testing a game early with players and listening to their feedback will lead to better design decisions. However, it’s important to take feedback with a grain of salt, as not all suggestions are feasible. Always prioritize the player experience, anticipating their needs even when they don’t know what they want yet.


Build Games, Not Technology

Technology can be fascinating, but don’t let it distract you from making a good game. Focusing too much on tech leads to overly complex systems that don’t necessarily improve the gameplay. Do not try to build your own game engines, you will probably fail or it might not even be comparable to worst engine out there. Focus on art and gameplay instead of tech, you will find much better results. Keep the technology simple and focus on creating an enjoyable experiences.


Tools Are for Purpose, Not Burden

Tools are meant to make game development easier, but they can become burdensome if they don’t serve a clear purpose. Early on, many developers start making everything from scratch, while it is good for learning, it is extremely time wasting, and the end result still might not be of acceptable quality. Using popularly available tools here might save you months of work while providing you tried and tested quality results. Tools should save time and resources – if they don’t, they’re a waste.


Keep It Simple, Do not Complicate

In game development, simplicity often wins, especially in fast-paced environments. Do not try to over-complicate things with future-proof solutions, or improving you old scripts for their betterment. By keeping solutions simple, you will be able to add features faster and avoid unnecessary bugs. While structure and planning are important, don’t let complexity bog you down. Focus on what’s needed now and make it work.


Cut Unnecessary Features

It’s easy to get attached to features, but holding onto unnecessary elements can harm the overall project. If you spend too much time on the small and insignificant features which aren’t even contributing much to main gameplay, then you are going on wrong path. Cutting these will allow you to focus on the core gameplay, which leads to faster progress. Developers or Teams that avoid unnecessary features from the start often outputs the most polished games. Be prepared to cut, add, or adapt features as needed for the sake of the project.


Don’t Fall in Love with the Outcome, Love the Process

Game development is a long journey, and focusing too much on the end result can lead to frustration. When you first start, you might get obsessed with creating the perfect game, but soon you will learn that the joy comes from the process itself. Celebrate small achievements and find pleasure in the day-to-day work. By learning to love the process, you’ll stay motivated throughout long projects.


Specialize for Mastery, Not Generalized Mediocrity

Being a generalist might seem appealing, but it can lead to mediocrity. Companies and Studios, especially larger ones, often look for specialists who can excel in one area. If you try to do everything, you risk being average at best. Instead, specialize in one area while maintaining a broad understanding of others – this will open more opportunities and set you apart from the competition.


Game Development is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts

Game development is a collaborative process, and even small contributions matter. You might have experienced the joy or isolation of working alone, but the real magic happens when a team brings their expertise together. In a collaborative environment, every piece – no matter how small – contributes to the bigger picture. Your work is crucial to the success of the whole project, so focus on the larger goal and how your part contributes to it.


Befriend Other Game Developers, Learn and Work Together

Working alone gives you control, but it also limits your growth. Building relationships in the game development community is crucial for learning and future opportunities. Even if you don’t get along with everyone, maintaining professionalism can lead to collaboration down the road. By connecting with others, you’ll learn valuable insights that could save you time and help you grow as a developer.


Practice Crushes Theory, Make Theory Your Side Dish

While theory is important, it’s practice that truly leads to progress. Early on, you may spend too much time reading books and watching tutorials without actually applying what you have learned. But it will be hard to improve until you start focusing on hands-on work. Reading about game development won’t make you a great developer – only doing the work will. Focus on practice, and let theory serve as a supplement.


Never Fully Follow Tutorials, Use Them as Crutches

Tutorials are helpful, but relying on them too much can lead to stagnation. In your early development days, you may follow tutorials for everything, which can leave you stuck when you need to think outside the box. Tutorials should be used as crutches, not blueprints. Once you’ve learned the basics, challenge yourself to solve problems independently. This will help you grow and develop your own approach to problem-solving.


Never Relearn What You’ve Already Learned

Revisiting old lessons feels safe, but it’s a waste of time if you’re not pushing yourself to learn new things. After completing a few projects, You may find yourself redoing what you already know, which leads to little growth. It isn’t until you start embracing new challenges and stepping out of your comfort zone that you will begin to learn and improve. Don’t fall into the trap of perfectionism – mistakes are part of the process, and they’re how you grow.


Resist Grand Temptations, Stick to What You Know Best

It’s easy to be tempted by shiny new features and tools, but they often distract from the work that needs to be done. This is case with almost every game engine and tool out there, but you will see the most growth when you focus on mastering a few key tools. Stick to what you know best and only adopt new tools if they truly add value to your project.


Time Equals Money, So Invest Wisely

Game development is a time-consuming process, and time is money. Trying to do everything yourself is inefficient and can lead to burnout. Over time, Learn the value of delegating tasks and working with others to maximize productivity. Delays are inevitable, so factor them into your planning to minimize resource waste. Also, Outsourcing tasks can free up your time for more important work, improving both your workflow and the final product.


The Death of Passion Is the Death of Game Developer

Passion is the fuel for game development. If you lose your passion, the quality of your work will suffer, and you may even quit. While following the rules is important, don’t let them stifle your creativity and experimentation. Game development thrives on passion and experimentation – keep exploring new ideas and pushing boundaries to stay inspired. Without passion, game development becomes a chore, and the games themselves lose their magic.


Get out of Tutorial Hell

It’s easy to get stuck in endless game development tutorials, lectures, and how-to videos. While these can teach you new skills, spending too much time on them takes away from actual development. At some point, you need to stop watching and start doing. Real progress comes from making mistakes, solving problems, and improving your work. Hands-on experience is key, so don’t let fear of failure hold you back. Dive in and start creating!

Final Words

Mastering the art of game development is no easy task, but these 19 laws offer a roadmap to make the journey a bit smoother. From starting small to loving the process, every law carries a piece of knowledge that can help you avoid common pitfalls and stay on course. Remember, the heart of game development isn’t just about creating a game – it’s about crafting an experience that resonates with players. If you are interested in more tips, check out our 5 Essential Game Design Tips for Indie Game Developers.

game dev tips - 19 Laws of Game Development that No One Follows

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