This asset pack is personally crafted to create maps for fantasy game projects (check demo image). You are going to need photoshop to create maps (it can be done in any image editor or unity itself but Photoshop is recommended). Basically, you will get essentials to create your fantasy map from scratch in this pack. It includes handcrafted assets, named and organized properly in folders.
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This free pack is part of premium Asset pack:
Fantasy Map Assets Pack (check it out).
Assets Size: 512x512px to 3840x2160px (4K).
(icons are all 512x512px, other assets are bigger in size)
This pack contains following:
1. Backgrounds (paper bases)
2. Overlays (borders, topography, lines, water)
3. Photoshop Brushes
4. Buildings & Essential Icons
5. Islands
6. Mountains
7. Trees and Plants
8. Demo PSD source files
To make this, I did extensive research about the real maps from professionals and old cartographers, explored many popular game maps such as skyrim, witcher and dungeons & dragons maps. I am working on this actively and also open to suggestions. This pack is going to get updated pretty regularly.
To create maps, you need Photoshop or another image editor. You can create in Unity also but Photoshsop is recommended. No AI is used to make this, 100% handcrafted assets.